Interact and STAND food drive, collecting now!
December 7, 2016
The Interact and Stand committees are collecting food for SHIM, December 5-8 in your homerooms.
SHIM, which stands for South Hills Interface Movement, is an organization that helps provide the basic needs for families around the Bethel Park area.
The Interact and Stand committees are collecting non-perishable foods, such as cereals, flour, canned goods, pastas, etc., so families can enjoy their holiday season. They are collecting food in each homeroom and the homeroom with the biggest weight wins a free breakfast, such as bagels and donuts.
Mr. Kallis, club sponsor for Interact, said, “We usually get around 500 to 1000 pounds.” Last year, they collected 600-700 pounds of food. He also mentioned how much these families really need the food and support of their local communities.
So don’t just STAND there, get involved!