PACS to hold Joey Fabus Blood Drive
April 2, 2015
On Saturday, April 18, PACs will hold a blood drive to support the Joey Fabus Foundation. The blood drive will be held at BPHS in the South Gym.
The purpose of the blood drive is to replenish the blood supply in area hospitals. Specifically, this blood supply is used on children that need more blood. The blood will be given to the Central Blood Bank.
“[BPHS] is one of many high schools in the area that supports the Central Blood Bank,” said Michelle Eiler, who is involved with the school.
The blood drive is sponsored by PACS.
“[Every year], PACS took on the responsibility of hosting 4 blood drives,” Eiler said.
The four blood drives are headed by the blood drive committee, another “group, like PACS Pals and New Student,” Eiler said.
In addition, blood donations help BPHS students earn scholarships. This is thru the Central Blood Bank high school scholarship program.
The Joey Fabus Foundation was formed after the sad death of Joey Fabus. Fabus died earlier this year from an inoperable brain tumor.
The blood drive will be held on the 18th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. To enter, one should park in the parking lot next to the football stadium and come in via the Athletic Entrance.
“Anyone sixteen years or older who meets the Blood Bank’s requirements can donate,” Eiler said.
To make an appointment, one should visit there, one should navigate to Make an Appointment, and search for Group code HS010006 at the bottom of the webpage.
For questions, email Michelle Eiler at or call 412-209-7622. For more information and a flyer, click here.