BPHS students to take part in dissection

Kayte Zeiler, Staff Writer

On Wednesday, March 11,  BPHS science students will be taking part in an animal and insect dissection. Students will be dissecting squid, crayfish, and grasshoppers.

According to Mrs. Eisel: “Dissecting is important in biology to learn more about anatomy in animals.  We can compare the animal anatomy to our own anatomy to learn more about how closely we are related to animals and have respect for the complexity of organ systems in all living things.”

From this dissection, students will learn certain ways that animals are uniquely adapted to their environments, such as differences in vision in squid, crayfish, and grasshoppers. They will also see how the digestive system of a squid is different than that of a crayfish because of differences in diets.

Mrs. Eisel and Mrs. Robb decided to offer this opportunity because many students enjoy dissecting and do not have time in biology to do much dissecting anymore due to the topics that must be covered for the Keystone Exam.

The animals used for this dissection were left over from previous years.

Unfortunately, the sign ups for this project are closed.