BPHS musicians makes regional, All-State ensembles

Russell Finelsen, Staff Writer, Assistant Editor, Sports Editor

Recently, students from the high school’s orchestra, band, and chorus groups auditioned for a chance to play in some special groups for the state. And, some of these musicians got rewarded for their efforts.

A group of students were selected for the Pennsylvania Music Educators Association’s (PMEA) All-State Band, the PMEA All-State Chorus, and the PMEA Region Orchestra. All of these students auditioned in front of their respective teachers.

For the band, two students were selected for the All-Sate band. They are senior Chris Bright and junior Joe Wasko. Bright plays percussion, while Wasko plays tuba.

They will play with fellow All-State Band musicians at the PMEA State Conference. They will play in concert during the conference. The conference takes place March 25-28 in Hershey, PA. The band is taught by Chad Thompson.

In the All-State Chorus, five singers were selected. They are seniors: Joshua Como, Anna Henkels, and Michael Kurt. Juniors selected include: Marie Dykstra and Joe Serafini. Como and Krut will sing the Bass 1 parts. Henkels will sing the Soprano 1 part, while Dykstra will sing the Soprano 2 part. Serafini will perform on the Tenor 1 part.

These students will also perform in concert at the PMEA State Conference. Details of the conference are above. The chorus students are taught by Todd Kuczawa.

Two orchestra students also successfully auditioned for the Region Orchestra. These students include seniors David Uhlmann and Samantha Smith. Smith plays violin, while Uhlmann plays on the percussion.

They will perform on March 14 in concert at the Collegiate Academy in Erie, PA. These students are taught by orchestra director Stephanie Glover.

Congratulations to these talented individuals for making the bands. Hopefully, they will perform well.