Ceramics 2 class makes soup bowls for Empty Bowls Event

Russell Finelsen, Staff Writer, Assistant Editor, Sports Editor

Recently, students in the Ceramics 2 Art Class made ceramic soup bowls for the Empty Bowls event. The class is taught by Miss Palombo.

“We used to make the bowls using a pottery wheel,” Miss Palombo said. “However, it took too long. Now, the students use their own creative ideas to make the bowls.”

30 bowls were made and donated by the students. All the bowls have distinctive designs, made by each student to reflect their personal styles. In addition, all of the bowls were made with different colors and styles.

However, they were all put through the same process. After the bowls were made, they were put in the oven two separate times. The first time is meant to solidify the clay on the bowls to make sure they do not crack. The second trip in the oven is to add the glaze to the bowls.

The bowls will be shown at the Empty Bowls event. “This is a great opportunity for students to show off their skills,” Miss Palombo said.

The Empty Bowls event is sponsored by the Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank and Just Harvest. This is the 20th year of the event, but it just does not happen in Pittsburgh.

“The Empty Bowls event occurs all around the city,” Miss Palombo said.

Even with its events around the country, according to justharvest.org, at least 1,500 people visit the festival every year. In addition, over all 19 previous years, the event has raised $500,000. This money has been used to help the hungry in the greater Pittsburgh metropolitan area.

At the event, every patron is served soup, which is made by restaurants in the Pittsburgh area. In addition, the soup is served in the ceramic bowls. Every meal is served with bread to give the feeling of someone that is actually getting food from a food bank.

Other festivities include a silent auction for autographed ceramic bowls; personality soup servers, and children’s music. Live music will also be playing all through the afternoon. In addition, you are able to take the soup and the bowls home.

The event is being held at Rodef Shalom near Carnegie Mellon University at 4905 Fifth Avenue in Pittsburgh. It will be held on Sunday, March 29, from 2 p.m.- 6 p.m. Tickets are $22, and can either be purchased at the Food Bank’s website, Just Harvest’s website, or with a call. One can call 412-431-8960 to purchase tickets.

“This is a great event for anyone to visit,” Miss Palombo said.

So, come on out, and see if you can get a bowl made by Bethel Park’s own.

For directions to Rodef Shalom from Bethel Park High School, click here.