African American Read-In at BPHS

Joey Cinello, Staff Writer

On Sunday, Feb. 22 at 2 PM, the BPHS Drama Club and STAND (Stand Together Against Negativity and Discrimination) will team up to bring you the Read-In at the BPHS Little Theater.

The foundation of the Read-In was originally laid down by Mr. Nagel and Mr. Youngs, but then they thought it would be a splendid idea to bring in Mrs. Ford and the STAND group to join in on the performance. That’s how the idea came together, and the Read-In became established.

The Read-In will focus on significant African American poets throughout history and their works. Students will be reading the poet’s poems, and they are also encouraged to write their own original pieces to present to the group.

The hope is that students will gain an appreciation for what all these talented African American poets have done, and what they have given to us as a whole.

Some of the poets that will be featured include Maya Angelou, August Wilson, James Baldwin, Alice Walker, Langston Hughes and many more!

One of the originators, Mrs. Ford, is very excited about what the Read-In will provide for the student body, and she hopes it helps to bring students together.

Mrs. Ford said, “I hope it brings the school together as a whole, and we become more of a cohesive unit.”

All students deserve respect, and it shouldn’t matter what the color of your skin is or your nationality.

So, make sure to mark your calendars and come to this important, inspiring event on Feb. 22.