SGA to host doubles ping pong tournament

Kayte Zeiler, Staff Writer

On Monday, Feb. 9, SGA will be hosting a ping pong tournament during the 40-minute homeroom.

This is a doubles tournament. It is single-elimination. It will be played with alternating hits and diagonal hits. Each round consists of one game to 11. You must win by two, but the score is capped at 15.

“I’m super excited for the ping pong tournament. It gives me something to do during a time I would normally just sit in homeroom and daydream,” said student Emily Kramer.

To sign up, pick up a form in the Activities Office. The form is due by February 4. It is $10 per team and there are no refunds. Passes will be delivered to you and your partners homeroom on February 6.

Grab a partner and a paddle and have some fun pinging a pong! 🙂