Thanksgiving food drive is a big success

Kayte Zeiler, Staff Writer

The Interact Club  held their annual Thanksgiving food drive November 19-25. There were bins in each homeroom  where students could put the canned goods they collected.

They collected a total of 890 pounds. The winning homeroom was Mr. Lorenzi’s who collected a total of a whopping 223.2 pounds. In second place was Mrs. Durmis’ homeroom who collected a total of 181.1 pounds. Coming in at 3rd place was Mrs. Schroeder’s homeroom who collected a total of 81 pounds.

This year’s food drive had a much better turn out than the last. Last year, the Interact Club collected 600 pounds.

Mr. Kallis, the sponsor of the Interact Club, believes this year’s food drive was so successful because the club promoted it more. He also believes that the change of the prize from a homeroom breakfast to each student receiving a $5 Starbucks gift card helped.

All of the food collected will be donated to South Hills Interfaith Ministries.