Looking for something to do Saturday night? Come to the BPHS Glow Fest!
Glow Fest is on Saturday, January 12th, 2013. The dance will start at at 7:00 p.m. and end at 10:30 p.m. This dance is sponsored by NHS.
Glow Fest consists of loud and crazy music brought to you by a DJ. Also, students should wear their most neon clothing!
Also, if you forgot to pay for your ticket this week, you can pay for your ticket at the door for just $10. Students must bring their paper work and their student I.D. card. After purchasing, you will recieve a free pair of shutter shades to wear while dancing.
Glow Fest is unfortunately the school’s last dance of the year for now. So, come and enjoy your Saturday night at Glow Fest!