Tom Hanks, wife catch Coronavirus
watchwithkristin / CC BY-SA (
Tom Hanks and wife Rita address media in 2008.
As the Coronavirus or the COVID- 19 virus spreads across the world, many changes are going into effect such as school closings, sporting events aren’t having fans attend games or they’re shutting down completely, and certain places are considering it a state of emergency. The virus has also been labeled as a pandemic and is causing a worldwide panic. But the virus is mostly effecting people with preexisting conditions, older people and children under three.
As of now, COVID-19 has effected 129,167 people, two of those people are Tom and Rita Hanks. Tom officially announced his and his wife Rita’s diagnosis on March 11. The Hanks caught the virus while in Australia. Tom posted on his Twitter a paragraph addressing fans that he has contracted the coronavirus and he and his wife are following all necessary percussions set in place by the medical officials in Australia. Tom ended his paragraph saying “We’ll keep the world posted and updated. Take care of yourselves.”
Even within quarantine, Hanks still keeps his spirits up and stays optimistic.
At the hospital that Hanks is staying at, the nurses have gotten creative. Tom now has a replica of Wilson from Castaway to keep him entertained while in quarantine.
The next day after Tom posted about contracting COVID-19, he posted another update talking about his and Rita’s isolation. Tom kept optimistic in his update and reminded the world “There is no crying in baseball.”

Creative. Unique. Inspiring. Whether it's in the computer lab or art room, you will see Erin Dublin thinking of great ideas.
Erin is a senior at BPHS...