“Je Suis Charlie” heard in response to terrorist attack
January 15, 2015
If you have tuned into the news lately you might have seen a story with the header “Je Suis Charlie.” These stories have all been about the recent happenings in France
Let us start from the beginning. Charlie Hebdo is a satirical newspaper in France that is highly opinionated and left wing. They had recently posted a cartoon mocking Mohammed, the Muslim prophet. Muslim believers were upset about this and that is when things were taken too far.
On January 7, 2015, two armed Islamic extremists invaded the offices of Charlie Hebdo and shot and killed 12 journalists. This was in response to the cartoon about Mohammed. Before invading, they reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar,” and “we have avenged the prophet.”
After the shooting, parades and ceremonies were held for the victims. One particular march included 50 world leaders, not including Obama, moving in unison toward the middle of Paris.
The remaining staff of Charlie Hebdo made their most recent cover a caricature of Mohammed holding a sign saying “Je Suis Charlie.”