BPHS Alumni of the Week: John Allemang

Kayte Zeiler, Staff writer

What year did you graduate?: 2004

Where did you go to college?: Duquesne University

Do you have a job?: Yes

What is your job?: Obviously, I’m a teacher. Why would you ask me that question?

Who was your favorite teacher?: It was a tie between Mr. Smock and Mr. Youngs.

What was your favorite school lunch?: I packed my lunch, but I enjoyed the BBQ rib sandwich.

Do you miss high school?: I wish I could go back and do it all over again.

What do you miss the most?: Wrestling

What was your favorite class at BPHS?: English 12 Honors with Mr. Youngs

Any advice for current high school students?: Write for the school newspaper. It will change your life!

Who is your favorite member of One Direction?: Tupac… No, just kidding. Don’t write that. No, don’t put that. I’m gonna erase it. I have the power to do that.