BPHS Alumni of the Week: Daniel Sullivan
February 17, 2015
What year did you graduate?: 2013
What college do you attend?: Pennsylvania State University
What is your major?: Sociology with a concentration in law
Do you work anywhere?: No, however, I am currently narrowing down my internship search.
Who was your favorite teacher at BPHS?: I had a few, it is a toss between Mr. Herd, Mrs. Smoller, Mr. Tsangaris, and Mr. Vic.
What was your favorite class at BPHS?: World Literature
What was your favorite school lunch?: I can honestly say I did not buy school lunch.
Do you miss high school?: Yes, it was a less complicated time.
What do you miss the most?: I miss both wrestling and getting to attend class with my friends all day. Also, I miss the simplicity of class work.
Any advice for current high school students?: Enjoy high school while you can and make the most of it. College is a blast, but is also a major adjustment when it comes to school work and responsibility.
Who is your favorite One Direction member?: Zayn Malik, because he’s tatted.