Student of the Week: Alexa Will

Morgan McGrath, Staff Writer

Name: Alexa Will

Grade: Junior

Favorite teacher? class? Mrs. Bouch and Mrs. Jordan, and AP Euro or AP English 11

Favorite color? All of them! Depending on the context!

Favorite season? Autumn

Zodiac sign? Sagittarius

Favorite book and/or author? I can’t choose a favorite! I like Looking for Alaska, some Stephen King, law books, utopian books, classics… I’ll read anything.

Do you have any siblings? If so, how many? Yes, 3. A brother and 2 little sisters. Aubrey is 4 and Addison is 7.

Any good advice to underclassmen? Meet new people, and challenge yourself.

What’s your favorite inspirational quote? “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.” ~Buddah

Favorite restaurant? Fiori’s Pizza

Have any hobbies? I like to read, write, do art, listen to music, google random stuff, and travel and experience nature.

Favorite place you’ve ever traveled to? Barbados, but I haven’t traveled enough to pick ONE place.

Favorite animal? Elephant

What are your plans for the future? To major/minor in either/some of… Art history, Spanish, Journalism, Political Science, International Relations… go to law school, be involved in the Peace Corps, and travel everywhere!

Have any special talents? Talking

Afraid of anything? Spiders

Favorite scent? The smell of the ocean

Do you collect anything? Old vinyls and books. Candles, too!