Black Friday is back!
November 17, 2017
It’s Thanksgiving night, and you’re peacefully enjoying some time off from school, work, etc. Before you know it, though, the clock strikes midnight and the sales begin. Friday, more specifically Black Friday, is here. Though store prices are low and consumerism is high, some would argue that the concept of this day is actually one that isn’t all that great. Others, however, can’t wait for the day to arrive. Whatever your opinion, though, there’s always going to be controversy on both ends of the spectrum. With that in mind, the question to be asked is this: What are some of the positive parts of Black Friday? And, on the other hand, what are the negatives? The answers to these questions, and more, are as follows…
What makes Black Friday such an arguably enjoyable day? According to Mary Hance of, there are actually a few reasons why, and they’re listed as follows:
- “You get to see what all is out there in the stores and what other people are buying.”
- “There really are some deals on Black Friday for early bird shoppers.”
- “It is a good time to spend time with a friend.”
- “Shopping can be a good way to walk off some of those calories…”
Clearly, it seems as if Black Friday has some positive attributes to its name. From finding great deals to spending time with those you care about, the day seems like an enjoyable one overall.
But what are the more unsatisfactory or controversial aspects of Black Friday? In an article written by Kate Taylor on, “Black Friday isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” Taylor explains her opinion in further detail, writing that “Many Black Friday deals simply aren’t worth it. While there are some opportunities to save money on Black Friday, you can often find some of the most popular Black Friday items at lower prices during other times of the year…”
In addition to this, Taylor claims that “It’s no longer the biggest shopping day of the year.” Apparently, December 23 is climbing the list to pull ahead of Black Friday! Taylor adds that “Shopping can actually be dangerous.” This is certainly true. In 2016, two shoppers were killed on this day.
Some of the dangers that accompany Black Friday, Kate Taylor mentions, “include stampedes, fights, and falling asleep while driving home from shopping due to lack of sleep.” She also writes, in terms of Black Friday negatives, that “You can get deals shopping from home” without being exposed to the violence listed above. Thanks to Cyber Monday, this statement becomes all the more true.
Overall, it’s clear that Black Friday has both good and bad sides. Whatever you believe regarding this day, though, it seems that there is one agreeable notion: it’s important to stay safe. Whether you choose to go out shopping or to stay inside, make sure to keep safety in mind at all times. The final bit of advice? Enjoy!