Alumna of the Week: Kelsey Tischler

Lizzy Partsch, Staff Writer

Kelsey Tischler defied the odds, carried through, and delivered her extraordinary talents to a variety of different clubs and spots, including the very aggressive sport of football. She’s inspired many young girls and aspiring football kickers, but how is she doing now?

Kelsey is really enjoying college and did say that college is, “A lot more challenging and requires a lot more time management than high school!”

As of now, Kelsey is exploring all of her options for career opportunities. Though, she still is pursuing her love of the sport, football, and plans on doing so throughout her college years.

When asked whether she likes high school or college football better, she said, “I am thankful for both experiences and am happy that I decided to try out.”

Despite the fact that she really enjoys college, she also really misses Bethel. She especially misses the memories with the football team and friends.

She wanted to give advice to students of BPHS, that you should, “Take as many years of a language as possible” and “ To enjoy your high school years, they fly by!

We wish you luck,  Kelsey, in all your endeavors.