Prenatal students gain parenting experience
If students want to learn how to take care of a baby, then High School and Beyond or Prenatal are the classes for them.
In these classes, students can get real-life experience taking care of a baby for one night.
There are three babies that students can choose from, two boys and girl. Their names are Josh, Austin and Cassie.
Students have to get their parents to sign a permission form to bring a baby home.
Just like real-life babies, these babies need fed and changed.
Students have a choice on bringing home a baby or not. Those opting out can do an alternative assignment, which involves making a PowerPoint.
Mrs. Chapin teaches Prenatal and High School and Beyond. Students who take the babies home are in for a lot of work and not many hours of sleep.
Ellie McGregor. You may have seen her in the halls prancing around. But what you may not have known that she enjoys helping people.
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