Teacher of the Week: Miss Glaid
April 27, 2015
What subjects do you teach?: I currently teach 10th grade Biology and Honors Chemistry.
What is your favorite subject to teach?: Either Biology or Science 9.
Who is your favorite musician?: The Beatles
Who is your celeb crush?: Rosalind Franklin
Who is your favorite One Direction member?: No opinion
If you were not a teacher what would you be?: I’ve actually applied to be a park ranger, so either way I would want to be working with biology of some sort and be educating kids about the natural world. I’d probably find some way to still teach.
Why?: A lot of people nowadays don’t really know about the natural world. I feel it’s going to be very important, especially in the coming years, for people to realize there is a whole big world around them, and they should be learning about the stuff going on around them.
How long have you been teaching?: I’ve been subbing for 3 years.
If you were stuck on an island what 3 things would you bring?: A canoe, a set of oars, and enough food and water to survive.
Any words to your h8erz?: Hey, I know what I’m doing so don’t mess with me.