Top four tips for driving in bad weather
February 17, 2015
There have been a lot of snowy days this season. Sometimes, conditions are so bad that one might not be able to navigate the road well. In addition, one might not know what to do in these conditions. For the people that need to know, here are four tips that should help one get from Point A to Point B in the snow.
1. Use All-Wheel Drive tires in the snow.
There are many tires in the market. These include 2-wheel drive, 4-wheel drive, and all-wheel drive tires. And, even though many use 4-wheel drive (4WD), all-wheel drive (AWD) is your best choice.
Although 4WD is better for off roading and fuel efficiency, AWD is the best tire for snowy conditions. This is because AWD tires provide extra grip and control due to equal weight distribution. In addition, one does not have to flip any switches to change to any driving condition. Furthermore, if 4WD does not work, AWD always will.
Even though AWD costs more money than 4WD, AWD will always be the best bet when driving in wintry weather.
2. Avoid hills, if you can.
For the most part, hills are the first part of the road to freeze over or get plain slippery. And, even with AWD tires, it is near impossible to get up some hills. For example, on the 14th, there were three cars stalled out in a row on Baptist Rd. on the hill up to Broughton Rd. Therefore, one needs to avoid hills when it is snowing to lower the risk of stalling out on a hill.
3. Always use blinkers and wipers.
Blinkers are very important in snowy weather. If the regular headlights are very dim, using blinkers helps one see the road ahead, since one has one more pair of lights. In addition, the use of blinkers helps others see you in bad weather. If blinkers are used, visibility is improved for the driver and neighboring cars, which can prevent crashes.
Wipers are also very important. While snow falls, one must keep the wipers on continually in order to keep the front window clear. Doing this will also help visibility, so one can see the road ahead better.
4. Go slow!
This is most likely the most important tip. Even if one does not use blinkers or have AWD tires, the car’s speed could be the difference between driving safely and being involved in a crash. If one drives quickly and hits ice, the only thing that one will do is fishtail, spin out, and crash. Driving slowly can let the driver get control quickly if the driver hits ice. Furthermore, going slow allows one to keep a fair distance behind the driver in from of them so there is no fender bender.
These four tips should help one navigate in bad weather. Though the best choice is to stay home, if one is out in terrible conditions, these four things should help one drive better. From tires to speed, everything can help one avoid an accident and continue on with their day.