Video Game Review: Organ Trail for PC

Michael Herrington, Staff Writer

Some of you might remember an old game called The Oregon Trail from elementary school. If you do, combine that with The Walking Dead and what do you get? Organ Trail.

Organ Trail is a fun game for when you should be doing your work, kidding of course. Getting to the point, the object of the game is to get from Washington D.C. to Oregon in the middle of the zombie apocalypse. Along the way, you will stop at other locations and encounter various problems. For example one of your five party members might get bitten by a zombie or come down with cholera which will negatively affect the rest of your journey.

To begin you have a specific amount of time to scavenge for food, ammunition, gas, money, etc. And then you are on your own.

In the end, if you make it, you collect gas for the survivors in Oregon, and if you gather all nine tanks, you are let in.

In conclusion, it is a fun game on a PC to play if you are bored or like to play PC games. Good Luck.