Golf courses should be open

Parker Loera, Managing Editor

We are all in some unprecedented times.

Social distancing has taken a whole new meaning. Staying home has become routine.

Experts have said getting outdoors and getting some air is a really good idea as long as social distancing still occurs.

Pennsylvania is among 16 other states who do not allow golf.

In my opinion, I believe golf courses should be open because you do not come in contact with anyone but the people you are playing with, who are usually family during this time.

You do not even have to open up the restaurants at the courses. The courses can set up a booth outside with a shield dividing the golfer and employee so you limit the exchange when they pay for their round.

“You are alone and staying six feet away isn’t much of a challenge when you are on a golf course,” Hunter Junazski, high school golfer said.

Also, some courses can just have people walk instead of ride in the carts. That way you do not have to worry about the person who used the cart before you. Although, through personal experience, I have been going down to West Virginia with my dad and brother to golf, and the courses down there do an incredible job of keeping everyone safe when on the course.

For example, they sanitize the carts constantly and after each time they are used. They also adjust the holes where the cups are either up and you just putt the ball and you hit the cup, or they put something in the cup where it keeps the ball from going all the way into the hole.

In a recent study, they said that heat and sunlight help stop the spread of the virus and weakens it. So getting outside on a nice day on a golf course, especially with the weather getting nicer, is a good idea and you get out of the house.

Avid golf fans and BPHS students Zach Haddox and Matt McGrath also gave their views on the topic.

“Golfers understand the risks of playing during this time and will cooperate with any rules in place to bring them back on the course,” said Haddox.

“You can’t go out of your way to open liquor stores and fill them with customers and not leave a golf course open in acres of nature,” commented McGrath.

This virus is taking a toll on the mind also, so having something to get out of the house to do is big.

“You never come in contact with anyone but the people you’re playing with and that’s either family or friends,” said golf fan Ryan Meis.

“They should be open because when you are golfing you never really come close to anyone other than the people you are playing with and it would be a fun way to get out of the house during this crazy time and have some fun, ” said Tommy DiRienzo, who likes going out on a course in his free time.

I hope that governors think about the decision to open courses back up.