April the Giraffe- Will she ever give birth?????

Kayla Dell, Staff Writer

It is safe to assume that everyone at some point in the past two months has heard the news of April, a giraffe living in New York’s Animal Adventure Park. For those who don’t know, April is pregnant with a calf but is well overdue.

April is 15 years old and the calf’s father, whose name is Oliver, is 5 years old. This is actually April’s fourth calf. Her past three pregnancies and deliveries of these baby giraffes have all been successful, which bears the question, where is calf number 4? According to zookeepers, April actually went into labor late last month, so obviously everyone expected her calf at that time, but no; April has her own agenda.

The average gestation period for a giraffe is about 13-15 months. Zookeepers say that April literally could give birth at any minute, but until then, she’s in labor. Considering this started last month, that’s a really long time to be in labor. Poor April.

Toys R Us has sponsored a live feed camera available to the public to check on April at any time of the day. Those who have spent time watching the live feed all agree that April basically just stands and eats. She seems to live a typical giraffe life.

Animal Adventure Park is announcing a contest where the public will have the opportunity to name the newest member of the giraffe community, when, if, he/she ever comes. Surely someone will suggest “Tardy.”

Could this all be fake? Is April’s pregnancy really just an April Fool’s Day prank?? Only time will tell…

In the meantime, an adorable baby rhino was just born at our very own Pittsburgh Zoo, so it seems that there is hope for the animal kingdom.