Restrooms shouldn’t discriminate
January 3, 2017
Throughout schools across the U.S., students of all grades are debating over transgender students being able to use the gender bathroom they identify with.
Transgender students should be allowed to use the bathroom of the gender they identify with.
Many who are opposed to this argue that transgendered people only want to use the bathrooms they identify with because they are perverted and predators, when in reality transgenders are more likely to be the victims. In fact, according to New York’s anti violence project, transgenders are 1.8 times more likely to experience sexual violence than other survivors.
People against allowing transgenders to use whatever bathroom they like also say that people born male should be in the men’s bathroom and people born female should be in the women’s bathroom. That is a very hard thing to do though because the only way you know for sure if someone is born male or female is if you look at their birth certificate, which is completely unrealistic.
Those against also believe that transgenders should just have their own special bathroom. That most likely would not work because in the 1950s the Brown vs. Board case ruled to show that separate but equal is not actually equal. Forcing a minority to stay away from the majority would also be known as segregation.
People against transgenders further believe there is not enough transgendered people in the world to have special laws for them. There are roughly 1.4 million in the United states and while they don’t make up a lot of our population, they are still there and are still human beings. We should not be cruel to them and make them go where they are not comfortable.
Male, female, transgender, non identifying. It shouldn’t matter. A human being is a human, and they deserve the same treatment as everyone else.
Tessa Helfer • Jan 9, 2017 at 2:16 pm
I love how you included statistics and factual details to help support your argument. You made some great points and I think more people need to read this. Great work!