Student opinion: School lunches

Michael Herrington, Staff Writer

The quality of school lunches has recently been a topic of discussion amongst students.

I spoke with a group of students and asked them what they thought about the school lunches.

Do you particularly like the school lunches? The majority said, “No.”

Would you want more selections? “Probably. It depends on what they would add,” Connor Wholey said.

What would you like to see featured? Students mentioned various foods from waffles to wings and Mt. Dew.

What are your favorite drinks? “Lemonade, iced tea, and the milk is decent,” Dylan Momchilovich said.

What are your views on the lunch ladies? “They cool,” Wholey said.

Do you think lunches are healthy? “They are too healthy. You can not have health and taste simultaneously,” Wholey said.

Do you think lunches will change through the next couple of years? “Probably, once the strict government regulations are lifted,” Wholey said.

Who is responsible for the regulations the school lunches? “The government specifically Michelle Obama,” Wholey said.

Do you think you should be able to pick if you want whole grain bread or not? A simultaneous, “Yes.”

What should be done to fix the lunches? “They should ask the students what they want,” Eric Slaby said.

Hopefully, the students’ thoughts and suggestions will be taken into consideration.