The dress code is a mess code

Kayte Zeiler, Staff Writer

At least once in a teenager’s life they get called to the principal’s office. Maybe they wanted to inform you that you have won an award or maybe you got caught smoking an e-cig in the bathroom. One of the most common reasons you will see a student in the office is because they disobeyed the dress code.

Although the rules aren’t gender specific, many of them are aimed at females. When you interrupted a girl’s school day and force her to change clothes because her shoulders are showing, you are telling her that how she dresses and that her potentially distracting boys is more important than her education. We should be teaching boys to not get distracted.

Dress code is viewed differently between students and teachers. BPHS student Cameron Happe said, “The school dress code is too restricting and I can’t express myself in my outfits.”

School is made out to be a place where everyone can be themselves and be comfortable. Obviously, if a student does not feel she can express herself, then that is not the truth.

Teacher Mr. Allemang thinks differently. He said, “Your choice  of attire is an outward sign of your inner attitude towards your environment. For example, when you attend church, you wear a collared shirt and pants because you respect the place and the subject matter. I wear a tie to work as a sign of my respect for this school building, my profession, and my students.”

BPHS student Natalie Coccagno disagrees. She said, “I feel we should not be going to school to impress people or a building. We should be coming to school to learn not to be judged because we wore pajama pants or a bra strap is showing.”

How I dress does not show how much respect I have for a place, person, or even myself! People should be judged on their actions not their choice of clothing.

I’m not saying walk around school naked. I’m saying wear what you want, be who you are, and have a good life.