This time every year, conservative news programs, such as Fox News, cover many stories about “The War on Christmas.” They believe that the term “Christmas”, with its traditions, is being increasingly censored, avoided, or discouraged by everything in the public eye, including but not limited to: advertisers, retailers, the government, schools, towns, parks, and malls.
Many conservatives believe that “separation between Church and State” has gone too far. They think that people’s rights are being taken away whenever schools cannot display non-secular decorations, offices have “Holiday Parties”, and retailers greet you with “Happy Holidays”. Fox News recently showed protest against a story in Santa Monica, California, where the city banned public parks from displaying Nativity scenes.
So is the war on Christmas real? Are atheists, agnostics, Jews, Muslims, and other non-Christians trying to ruin this country’s most widely celebrated holiday?
The answer is a big fat NO. To believe there is a “War on Christmas” is absolutely ridiculous. Every year, Fox News gets furious at anything that becomes just a little secular in this country. Can you believe that many religious conservative groups and media have actually called for boycotts of stores that use the term “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas?”
These groups and media, such as Fox News, the American Family Association, and the Liberty Council, are completely closed-minded and full of hate for other groups and religions. The fact of the matter is that to believe Christmas, in any way, shape, or form, is being taken away is ludicrous.
Christmas is literally everywhere in this country. It’s in stores, the supermarket, radio, television, movies, books, on houses, in yards, on clothes, and everywhere else you could possibly imagine. Christmas, a one day holiday, basically lasts for almost two months. Just because every year a couple of public displays of religion are banned in order not to offend anyone, it does not mean there is a war on the biggest holiday in the country.
It is completely understandable when government institutions and schools cannot display religious icons and decorations. This country was founded on religious freedom, so it should be wrong for the government to show bias towards one religion. It is also very disappointing when people get upset at other people when they say “Happy Holidays.”
This time of year is about loving others and being full of happiness and joy. So stop listening to Bill O’Reilly and the rest of Fox News, and spread some cheer, whether you celebrate Christmas or not!