The dance taking over the nation
June 5, 2017
If you are on social media, you most likely have seen two clowns jujuing on that beat.
From that video, a new craze was born.
Senior Natalie Coccagno said, “Jujuing is an art form.”
Steps to juju on that beat are as follows:
Step one: Start walking to right.
Step two: Rub your pants then slick back hair.
Step three: Perform a similar action as to the one found in the Electric Slide.
Step four: Move your arms up and down while moving the body forward and backward.
Step five: Slide your hands across your body then move them in a x motion. After that put you hands in a stop motion.
Step six: Perform a running man.
Step seven: Do your dance.
If you follow these steps, you will be a cool dance kid. You’ll also make more friends.