Two Bethel Park freshmen witness house ablaze

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

On Sunday, Jan. 11, it was found that a house on Willow Glen Drive was ablaze.

From far off, it was thought by two freshman, Connor Wholey and Mark Kozleuchar, that it was a huge bon fire. As they got closer, they knew that it was too big for one and knew something was wrong. As they rushed in and saw the house, they tried to find out if anybody was still in there. They went around the back and repeated with the back door.

Once the fire department showed up, they found some predicaments. It included a frozen fire hydrant that was not able to do its job. They also had to get through a fence having to use many power tools. Thankfully, the woman who owned the house was not there and was completely away from harm. On the flip side, her pets were not able to make it. It is thought they most likely suffocated from all the smoke. The whole house was burnt and nothing was saved.