Homeroom Rep. Report: May
May 21, 2014
In this month’s meeting we discussed the elections and the people who won the elections were congratulated. We also talked about homecoming and some recent fundraisers that have been going on.
The Counting for Coins fundraiser was a great success raising over $1700 for charity. Another major topic was whether or not we will have another sports tournament during a 40 minute homeroom like we did with the ping-pong tournament. The verdict of the tournament discussion was that we most likely will not have enough time in the school year to host another tournament.
The students that were elected for the E-Board are as follows: Natalie Lalama- Junior school board representative, Ben Wallace- Treasurer, Sean McClaine- Student Services Coordinator, Zach Fulerton- Corresponding secretary, Rachel McClaine- Technology Director, Emily Augustine- Publicity Coordinator, and David Erzen and Matea Pranjic- Presidential Advisers.
Remember to visit the SGA website for more details at Bethel Park SGA.