Hawk Eye staff is thankful

This Thanksgiving, members of the Hawk Eye staff share what they are thankful for. Of course, as a newspaper, we are thankful first and foremost for our readers. Without you, we would not have an audience. We are also thankful for the School District for supporting and funding our online newspaper.

I am thankful for:

“My family. My family is always there for me throughout the ups and downs. We will have an enjoyable time feasting on grub and then watch some football,” said Nick Carbone.

“Mashed potatoes and nice fall weather,” said Anna Counihan.

“Friends and family first of all. A house and all the luxury that surrounds me. Also, having the freedom to do the activities and hobbies that I enjoy. Lastly, you can’t forget about the great food at the Thanksgiving table,” said Dan DelBene.

“Being able to see my family and friends,” Jaden Goodman said.

“My mom for always caring for me and supporting me and my dad for giving me an awesome taste in music and always pushing me to be the best version of myself. I am thankful for my sister for being there for me, for protecting me from monsters when I was younger, and for driving me everywhere and for my brother for making me laugh, teaching me how to catch a football, and for also driving me everywhere. I am thankful for both of my dogs, Liberty and Justice. Also, my Aunt Monica for always being there for me and hanging out with me. My nana for always telling me how beautiful and awesome I am and my poppy for always coming to my sports games since I was four. My grandma for letting me sleepover with all my cousins and my grandpa for teaching me how to fish and for going fishing with me all these years. I am thankful that I have amazing friends who are always there for me. I am thankful that I get to watch the Steelers games with my family every week. I am thankful that I get to play lacrosse with all of my friends. Also, Machine Gun Kelly for putting out a banging album this year, Taylor Swift for also putting out a banging album this year. Also, 5 Seconds of Summer for putting out a banging album this year and for just existing. I am thankful that I am able to get a good education and that I am able to plan my future how I want to. I am thankful that none of my family or friends were affected by the coronavirus and all remained safe. Lastly, I am thankful that my family, friends, and I are all healthy and that I get to have a roof over my head and food to eat every day,” said Meghan Krapp

“Maintaining great health, especially in an international pandemic. I’m also thankful to wake up and start my day with two loving parents, three sisters, and the greatest Chiweenie to roam planet Earth. I have thoughtful grandparents who I still see frequently, alongside good-timer cousins, aunts and uncles. I’m thankful I have a roof over my head, a running car, and never have to worry about where my next meal is coming from. Most importantly, though, I am thankful that God has gotten my family through these difficult times while employed, happy, and healthy,” Matt McGrath said.

“The good health that I have experienced in a year full of uncertainty. I am also very thankful for the wonderful friends I have. Often, it’s the quality of the friendships, not the quantity. Finally, I am thankful for my family and pets as serving as the best example in my life for unconditional love and safety,” said Jake Peters.

“Good health, good friends, and happiness,” said Josh Peters

“Myself and my family being healthy in times like this. With COVID-19 it’s hard to see my whole family, but we are all doing well. Also, I am thankful for the times I am able to use to see family and friends. I’m thankful for my friends as well as we try to get through the pandemic. In times like this, it truly shows how much there is to be thankful for and we must all be grateful for what we have,” Max Radcliffe said.

“USA. While things in the world, and specifically our country, are hard right now, we are still blessed to be living in the United States of America. Is this country perfect? No. However, we are the most free country there is in the world, and everyone should be thankful to live in this nation,” Matt Szymanowski said.

Happy Thanksgiving!