Student Musician of the Week: Grace Evans

Grace Evans is this week’s Student Musician of the Week.

Bailey Sims, Staff Writer

Sophomore Grace Evans is a part of Symphonic Band and Marching Band, and she was previously a part of the pit orchestra for BPHS’s production of West Side Story.

Evans plays viola, bells, ukulele, and guitar. She started playing the viola in third grade, and ever since she will try any instrument she can get her hands on, including piano, saxophone, and clarinet.

She plans to pursue a career in art, but she hopes to continue making music, saying, “Music plays a huge role in the creative process, especially in the fine arts, and I often incorporate musical concepts and ideas into my pieces.”

Grace traveled to Chicago with Symphonic Orchestra this spring and the group was recognized as first place, superior, and best overall orchestra. She was also selected to play in District Orchestra and performed a solo at the Electrify Your Strings concert.

Evans gets her musical inspiration from both her orchestra teacher Mrs. Glover and her student orchestra teacher Mr. Kelsey, whom she says support her not only in her music but in all her endeavors.

If you are a serious musician and would like to be featured as Student Musician of the Week, email for more information.