Student Musician of the Week: Sebastian Leis

Bailey Sims, Staff Writer

BPHS junior Sebastian Leis is currently involved in Top 21 and concert choir, and has been selected the past two years to participate in the PMEA District 1 choir. He has also been involved in school musicals since his time at IMS.

He plans to major in either music performance or production in college, and his ideal career would be a recording engineer in a studio or a performer.

In addition to singing, Leis plays piano and is currently learning to play the harmonica.

One inspiration of Sebastian’s is the choir teacher at BPHS, Mr. Kuczawa, about whom he said: “He is such a good teacher, with years of experience teaching and singing. He has really helped me to be a better musician over the past few years.”

He also gets inspiration from Billy Joel, and decided he wanted to make music his career upon seeing Joel perform live.

Sebastian started on the violin in third grade and continued with it for a few years, but now focuses on singing, which became serious for him in seventh grade.

If you are a serious musician and would like to be featured as “Student Musician of the Week,” email for more information.