Student Musician of the Week: Garrett Hoffman

Bailey Sims, Staff Writer

BPHS sophomore Garrett Hoffman is involved in a wide variety of musical activities in and out of school. He is currently a part of concert choir, Top 21, symphonic band, drumline (quads), percussion ensemble, and musical.

Garrett began his musical journey in fourth grade, when he started playing percussion in band. He began singing in his freshman year of high school.

He plans to go on to college for a degree in music education, but ideally, he said, “While I’d love to be a teacher, it is my real dream to be a composer, especially on Broadway or for films.”

When asks where he gets his inspiration, he said: “Cliché as it is, my teachers have had a big impact on me musically. Most of my musical tastes line up with what we do in class, and my teachers do an excellent job at giving students the tools they need to musically succeed outside of high school.”


Hoffman participated in district chorus earlier this month and will move on to region chorus in a few weeks.

If you are a serious musician and would like to be featured as Musician of the Week, email for more information.