What’s up with the water at BPHS?
October 2, 2015
Have you ever leaned down at the water fountain, ready to quench your antagonizing thirst, only to find that the water was not what you were expecting?
Students all over BPHS are disgusted with the warm, vile agua that they have been drinking from the water fountains.
“It’s pretty gross,” senior Greg Holbert said.
As of now, no one knows when the warm-water problem began. Students claim that it has been happening “every day” for as long as they can remember.
Possible causes include that we may not have fountains that chill the water, which are more expensive. Another possibility is that the cold control may be malfunctioning. Either way, BPHS seems to need to make an investment in the fountains so they function properly.
Such an issue should be taken up with a school-based organization like SGA or PACS in order to fundraise for quality water fountains. Passionate students, like Kara Brunner, could also fundraise separately for the cause.
Sophomore Kara Brunner said: “I feel like I’m dyin’, this is uncalled for, and I plan to NOT drink out of the water fountain anymore until the issue is resolved! I will fundraise day in and day out to restore the peace in BPHS that has been broken by these flawed fountains.”
As well as general disgust, the warm-water problem is leading up to bigger issues such as dehydration among the students.
“We’re not cactuses!”, stated the zealous Brunner.
Overall, BPHS can expect nothing but dehydration and disgust from its students until the warm-water problem is rectified.
Bridget Heh • Oct 2, 2015 at 12:09 pm
Hey now haters! I am a VERY dedicated runner and i need cold water in my body to give my best performance at practice and races! i would donate money to help get colder water in our fountains. Dont hate, appriciate the fact that someone cares about our bodies and hydration in this school
Russell Finelsen • Oct 2, 2015 at 12:06 pm
Last time I went to BPHS, the only water fountains with warm water were the one on the fourth floor and in the band wing, not all of them. Did you check all of them? Many water fountains do give you cold water.
Informed Student • Oct 2, 2015 at 10:59 am
While warm water may be a slight inconvenience to add to your list of first world problems, you should realize that warm water is proven to be better for you. Look it up.
Water is still flowing, and dehydration is not caused by warm water, rather lack of water. The argument that BPHS can expect dehydration due to warm water is dramatic. It would be caused by the students who think they deserve more than flowing water at their demand.
maria capozzi • Oct 2, 2015 at 12:08 pm
Cold water rules! Warm water drools!!
David Peterson • Oct 2, 2015 at 9:56 am
They must of messed up badly because the showers are freezing cold and unbearable.. warm showers are better than cold showers.. especially
Ashley Burford • Oct 2, 2015 at 8:57 am
There are more important things to talk about than warm water. And not every water fountain is warm. I drink from the fountains almost everyday, and only a couple of times had it been warm.
Courtney Geddes • Oct 3, 2015 at 7:37 pm
I totally agree the water isn’t really the most important thing to worry about in the school right at this moment. I understand most have warm water and yes it sucks, but if kids were actually bothered about the problem and wanted to do something they most likely would of brought a water bottle to school already or got one from the cafeteria.