When are sports coming back?

Charly Karl

Good for us fans, sports should be back soon

Max Lorenz, Staff Editor

With the majority of sports postponed upon this COVID-19 pandemic, when will they begin again? Almost all sporting events have been absent for around six weeks and fans are getting upset.

Many people tend to rely on sports to ease their minds and get away from the real world for a little bit, but they cannot do that when they are gone. Some sports are slowly easing their way back into playing, even if it is with no fans.

The UFC is hosting a fight card on Saturday, but the fighters will not have fans in the crowd to cheer them on. They have been very cautious as they are testing all their fighters for COVID-19 before they fight. It is very risky because if a fighter were to get sick, they could infect a bunch of people around them, but the UFC is ok with that risk.

As many know, the NBA season has been postponed since the discovery that Utah Jazz player Rudy Gobert got COVID-19 in the middle of March. They just now are starting to let teams practice. The NBA let a few teams practice, but only teams in cities that were not very affected by the virus.

The NBA is unaware of what they are going to do with the season because the playoffs would be starting about now. They do not know whether they should just go straight into the playoffs or if they should play out the season first.

The MLB has not ruled a time table for when they are going to start back up. They missed the opening day of their season and have been out of games since then.

With this virus getting somewhat controlled at this point, we can all expect sports to start up again soon, but we are still unaware of the date.