Young players are retiring early from NFL

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

In recent weeks, NFL fans from around the country have been in complete shock. Why? Multiple players under the age of thirty have retired and stepped away from the NFL.

Each one of them had different reasons, all of them being valid.  Some of the most noteworthy names are Patrick Willis, Chris Borland, and Jason Worilds.

Patrick Willis was the oldest and probably the most known. He was exactly thirty years old when he retired with the San Francisco Forty-Niners. Willis played in seven all-star games and was even named on to the First-Team All Pro five straight years in a row. His stats were also very impressive throughout his career. So why exactly did he leave? He said that he wanted to make sure that his body would be fully able to function in his later years, and that he wanted to be with his kids.

Chris Borland had similar reasons. He was only going into his second year, also with San Francisco. He said that he wanted to be safe, and that the NFL was dangerous. In response, the NFL said, “The league has never been safer.” Even though that may be true, it still is very dangerous.

Lastly, Pittsburgh was surprised to have one of their one players retire early. Jason Worilds was set to be a free agent when it was announced that he would retire. He was twenty-seven and was guaranteed $15 million in his next contract as well. Why did he retire? It was said that he wanted to join Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The NFL should be scared. More and more young players are recognizing the hazards and disadvantages of playing in the physical sport. The NFL must make changes to the way they run things, otherwise many may follow these three ex-NFL players.