Is the NFL hating on Marshawn Lynch?

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

The running back for the Seattle Seahawks, Marshawn Lynch, is known for mostly two things. The first for breaking multiple tackles and trucking through defenders. In fact he is the first thing that comes up when you look up “Beast Mode” on Google. The second, bypassing the media.

The NFL is not entirely for this as it is under contract that he corresponds with the media when needed. So they chose to fine him after multiple warnings and have kept doing so since. I was okay with this at first as it was under his contract that he signed and he was obliged to do so. But recent incidents have changed my mind.

Now that the Seattle Seahawks have reached the Superbowl for the second straight year, Lynch would have to face the media again for Media Day. And if he chose not to participate, the NFL threatened him a hefty fine amounting to $500,000. So he showed up but with a surprise as usual. When asked questions, he would respond, “I’m here so I won’t get fined.” He did this regardless of whatever question was asked. Since he did do what the NFL said for him to do, they said that they would not fine him. But the very next day said that they indeed would fine him! This time is was for wearing his own line of brand of a Beast Mode hat.

In my opinion, this could be something close to the lines of the NFL hating on Marshawyn Lynch. Why? They choose to worry about the Marshawyn Lynch wearing unauthorized cleats (referring to the prior game when the NFL threatened to suspend Lynch for wearing golden cleats since they were an unauthorized color of the Seahawks) or hats than an accusation that a team has cheated in the game.

It’s time the NFL gets their priorities straight and starts worrying about the actual game itself and not what the players wear and what they do before or after the game.