Memorial Elementary closed until Nov. 9 due to COVID-19 outbreak
Late last Tuesday, Oct 27, assistant superintendent Dr. Jansante notified the school board that Memorial Elementary would be following Department of Health and Department of Education regulations and will be closed until next Monday, Nov. 9.
Indeed, if a second case arises within the 14-day mark, Dr. Jansante said, “We’re compelled to close that school from anywhere between five and seven days.”
Several employees of Memorial Elementary had been exposed to the virus and are now quarantining appropriately.
Dr. Jansante then went on to address BPHS’s continuation of the hybrid model of online and in-person learning. As of right now, the school district is extending the hybrid learning period past the originally projected length. At this point in time, it is estimated that students will be using the hybrid model until January.
As cases in Allegheny County continue to be on the rise, there is much deliberation about how we will go forward, but we can rest assure that our school administration is finding the safest, most effective way of learning for BPHS students.
Bethel Park eagerly welcomes back Memorial students and staff next Monday!