BPSD closes three days due to weather

Matthew Szymanowski, Deputy Sports Editor

Bethel Park has closed again. This time, thankfully, it was not due to a threat. The Bethel Park School District was closed Wednesday, Jan. 30 through Friday, Feb. 1 due to below zero temperatures and inclement weather.

Following a week shortened by a threat and a pipe break, it looked as if Bethel Park was going to be back to a normal schedule. The weather had other plans. By Tuesday night, the temperature was in the low teens with strong winds and worse weather ahead. Bethel Park decided to close on Wednesday.

Early Wednesday morning, the temperatures were nearing zero with negative degree wind chills. With an upcoming colder forecast, Bethel chose to cancel Thursday as well.

Thursday was the worst of them all with temperatures dipping to -6 degrees Fahrenheit and wind chills below -20. By the end of the day Thursday, the temperatures had risen back to the teens. It looked like school would be back on Thursday.

Then the snow came. Thursday night into Friday morning, Pittsburgh received about three inches of snow causing havoc for drivers. Once again, Bethel Park decided to close on Friday due to the weather.

Because of these three days missed, Easter break will be shortened for makeup days.