Decision made: SGA picks winners of 2017 costume contest
November 3, 2017
On Halloween day, several students came to school wearing various costumes in hopes of winning the SGA’s costume contest.
Students were dressed as clowns, bunnies, and even dinosaurs. But SGA picked the best costumes that were worn around school on Tuesday, Oct. 31.
The lucky winners of the contest were Scooby Doo and his gang, impersonated by Roman Dudowski as Scooby Doo, Kat Pandolfo dressed as Daphne, Alex Keplar being Velma, Nick Willman as Shaggy, and Christina Bioni dressed as the Ghost.
And the winner of the single costume was Shayaan Meyers dressed as T-Bo from iCarly!
Each winner was awarded with some candy and a Giant Eagle gift card for their unique and comical costumes this Halloween.
Click here to see more costumes from the day.