Spring Band Trip just around the corner

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

It is that time of year again, the leaves are slowly growing back, the flowers are getting ready to bloom, the actors and actresses of BPHS are practicing for the spring musical, and the BP music students are gearing up for their yearly spring competition trip.

The band trip will be held in Orlando from April 28- May 2, and students will be going to Disney World and Universal Studios.

When asked about the trip, Kayla Dell stated that she is really excited to fly, especially with her friends, because she loves planes and the band gets the plane themselves.

The groups performing include symphonic band, symphonic orchestra, jazz band, Top 21, Bethettes, drumline, and percussion ensemble.

Peyton Capristo also stated that he is looking forward to performing in a different setting.

Mr. Thompson, the band director, along with Mr. K, the choir teacher and director of Top 21, and Mrs. Glover the orchestra teacher, will be attending the trip.