Last chance to go on Spring New York trip

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

Have you ever wanted to attend a three-day trip to one of the greatest cities in the USA?

Well, now’s your chance! Calling anyone who’s interested, there are still spots open for Mr. Nagel’s annual spring trip to “Gotham City.”

The trip will be held during spring break, which takes place starting April 12. The dates of the trip are April 12-15.

Trip goers will embark after school on Wednesday, April 12, and will leave NYC the evening of Saturday, April 15 after the show. Students will return to BP late Saturday/early Sunday just in time for Easter.

The trip costs $660 per person, and will include complimentary breakfast from the hotel, dinner in the city each night, three Broadway shows, and hotel fees. This does NOT include lunch, special activities for walking groups, and food en route.

If you are interested, you may see Mr. Nagel in Room 402.

Itineraries, walking groups, and room assignments will be discussed.