Ceramics students contribute to Empty Bowls Dinner
Ceramics students show off their bowls for the Empty Bowls Dinner.
Just Harvest and Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank will co-host the annual Empty Bowls Dinner on Sunday, March 19 from 1:30- 3:30 p.m. and from 4- 6 p.m at Rodef Shalom.
The Empty Bowls Dinner is a community event that aims to raise money for people facing hunger within Allegheny County.
Tickets to the event cost $20 per adult and $10 per child (ages 3-12) It will feature soups from top restaurants in Pittsburgh as well as activities from the Children’s Museum, and an auction featuring local ceramic work. In addition to unlimited soup, each person will get a handmade bowl with their entrance fee.
In fact, a number of these bowls will come from ceramics students at BPHS. Falling directly into the bowl-making unit that Mr. Hooton was already teaching, he said that the timing of the event was perfect. Although not required, it was strongly encouraged for students to donate the bowls they made to the event. Most students made a number of bowls, with about three per person.
Senior Abby Collavo said, “I’m glad I’m able to provide something to this event that’s really useful and serves as handcrafted art.”
Mr. Hooton also expanded on the importance of artists learning to let go of their creations. He explained that giving works of art to others sets young artists up for success if they ever want to start selling their work.
The spirit of giving was clearly present in the room, and was especially embodied through sophomore Lori Gatz who said, “I’m happy to know that my work is directly benefiting someone in need.”

Sophomore Lori Gatz shows off her bowl.
The following students donated bowls:
Taysean Boyd-Williamson
Natalie Brandt
Abby Collavo
Caroline Colligan
Maddie Condie
Elena Defelice
Jake Diel
Hannah Fleming
Lori Gatz
Dylan Lauritzen
Jorge Llanos
Damien Maclay
Steph Marfisi
Danika Moody
Mike Musciano
Madison Ottaviano
Leah Sanpietro
Rachel Wolff
Mr. Hooton and Ms. Tyska also donated bowls.

Haley Radcliffe: a gal that loves a good knock knock joke. You might know her as that blondie in the hall, but she is so much more than that.