BPHS to host African American Read-In
January 31, 2017
On Sunday, Feb. 5, the BPHS English Language Arts Department and S.T.A.N.D. will host its 3rd annual African American Read-In. The event will take place in the LGI room at 2 p.m.
Students in S.T.A.N.D. will participate by presenting a myriad of written works by the most celebrated African American writers, including Angelou, Wilson, Baldwin, King, and Hughes. Presentations will include poems, excerpts of speeches, spoken-word performances, and even theatrical skits to celebrate African American literature and music. Students’ original work, in addition to the famous writers’, will be included in the function.
Coordinating the event are Mr. Youngs, the facilitator of English and Language Arts, and Mrs. Ford, the S.T.A.N.D. adviser.
According to Mrs. Ford, one of the most notable acts in previous years was a singer who also read an excerpt of the “I Have a Dream” speech. This year, they also plan on having a skit about Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
As to why students should attend the event, Mrs. Ford said she “wants them to learn about and understand the contributions African Americans have made to the United States and on the world stage.”
Mr. Youngs said, “Reading any poetry is worthwhile, and all of our students of color have a lot to say; but, sometimes finding the best words is difficult. So when we read some of the best poems and speeches by some of the best African American writers, students find their voice.”
Mrs. Ford added that there are usually 10-15 participants, but she is hoping more students come to the event this year. Don’t forget admission is free!
Adam Kruszewski • Feb 9, 2017 at 11:59 am
Wow Haley! You are such a great writer. So glad I can call you a friend!:)