BPHS holds assembly bringing awareness to the dangers of drugs

Molly McDowell, Staff Writer

On the morning of January 30, during the two 1-hour homerooms, Saltworks Theatre Company presented a one-act play to all students in the auditorium. Juniors and Seniors met in the first hour and Freshmen and Sophomores met in the second hour.

Dr. J first congratulated the competitive cheer team for bringing home the gold at the State Championship in Hershey Park, and for their continued hard work as they head to Nationals. He then introduced the Saltworks Theatre Company.

The play was based on three students who each lived very different lives, but were all addicted to legal and illegal substances. They were all introduced as regular students in the beginning, until it was revealed that they were all at an AA meeting for their substance abuse addictions.

The three students had different stories, but all of them were played out as flashbacks, and the other actors played the different roles, ranging from friends, to partners, to the voices in your head, to the inside of the body and its different control centers.

Each story ended badly for the characters involved, one even ended in a fatal OD. The point of the story was to bring more light to the dangers all drugs have, and the consequences you face when you’re battling addiction.

The play lasted around 50 minutes, with a short Q and A at the end.

Saltworks Theatre company is located at 569 N Neville St. in Pittsburgh. Visit them online at saltworks.org.