Drama Club to host 15th annual ’80s dance
April 25, 2016
Attention all BPHS students! Do you like ’80s music? Are you one of the members of our generation that feels they should’ve been born in the ’80s era? Well you’re in luck!
The Bethel Park Drama Club will be hosting their 15th annual ’80s dance on Friday, May 6 at 7 p.m. in the cafeteria.
Tickets for this dance are $5 beforehand and $7 at the door. Dress as your favorite ’80s movie character, or as anything from the ’80s, it’s up to you.
“If you take homecoming, and multiply it by prom, and add the Sadie Hawkins dance to it, you get the ’80s dance. It’s loud. No slow songs. And it’s loud. The dance is a tribute to the greatest decade since the 1970s, which was the greatest since the 1960s,” says Mr. Nagel, an ’80s afficianado and Drama Club sponsor.
“People from come from out of state just to attend this dance,” senior Thomas Black said.
The dance is expected to end at 10. Please remember to dress accordingly, and appropriately. Prizes will be awarded.