Chinese acrobats captivate students and staff

Haley Radcliffe

One of the Chinese acrobats catches multiple bowls on his head while balancing on a board.

Haley Radcliffe, Staff Writer

On Monday, April 4, students and staff at BPHS had their Monday blues cured by Chinese acrobats during all lunch lunches.

The acrobats have been performing as a group for over 10 years, but Monday was the first time they performed that specific routine in front of an audience.

They usually perform at schools like BPHS and the performers’ favorite part is the interactions they get to have with the audience.

“I heard about the Chinese acrobats ahead of time, and I just knew I had to see them because I missed the African dancers last year. I was thoroughly impressed with their strength, agility, and balance. In fact, I was a lil’ envious,” said English and Journalism teacher Mr. Allemang.

“I thought they were fun, but the music was a lil’ loud,” said junior Zoe Zilcosky.

PACS sponsored the event.

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