BPHS students prepare to be spooked at Haunted Courtyard

Haley Radcliffe

Handcrafted signs welcome the public to the Haunted Courtyard with open arms.

Haley Radcliffe, Staff Writer

Wooden skeletal structures. Towering black masses. Closed courtyards signs. The Haunted Courtyard is imminent.

Haley Radcliffe
The towering entrance to the Haunted Courtyard creates a menacing atmosphere.


Two Fridays ago, a group of boys was spotted woodworking outside in the courtyard. By the following Monday, huge wooden structures were standing. Currently, the courtyard is being transformed into a haunted house.

On  October 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 30 and 31 from 7 to 11 PM, The Haunted Courtyard will be up and running. Admission is $5, and all funds collected will go toward the Joey Fabus Foundation and the BPHS Sophomore Ways and Means.

PACS, Drama Club and Sophomore Ways and Means will be hosting it. “It’s being spearheaded by Grant Jansante,” said Mr. Nagel, a teacher involved with the project. Jansante and a group of his friends thought up the idea and Dr. J is making it happen.

“It’s going to be so scary that they won’t allow pregnant women or people with pacemakers inside,” concluded Mr. Nagel.

Also, don’t forget to enter the courtyard by the outdoor entrance, located near Purkey Field.