Newspaper rack finished, now on display at the Galleria
March 5, 2015
Some of the most talented students in our high school came together to compete in a contest to create and execute the most creative newspaper rack for the Almanac. As you can see from the photograph, the final outcome was very creative.
It features The Cathedral of Learning with King Kong on top. Mr. Wallisch mentioned that some other ideas were thrown around at first. Initially, everybody felt like they should make the rack into a robot. But they realized that the idea might have been shared with another school and ditched it as they wanted to go with something more creative. And they did just that!
So, if you want to give them their due support, stop by the Galleria Friday, March 6 through Thursday, March 12 and put 25 cents into the rack that was made by BPHS students. The winner will be ultimately chosen by a panel of three judges from the Almanac with the help of the votes of course. First place will receive $300 while second receives $150.
Click here for more information on the rack and to view photographs of students working on the rack.