Newspaper rack contest for Almanac extends opportunity to local high schools

Nathan Runja, Staff Writer

The Almanac has issued a contest throughout the local high schools in order to fundraise for the individual art clubs. The students representing each high school are to create and execute an artistic design enhancing the newspaper rack.

There are some guidelines that need to be followed, such as the door has to maintain its ability to open and feature the newspaper itself. Also, the design should allow the coins for payment to be collected.

Here at BPHS, many students have been working hard on an elaborate design (more details to follow). Starting from the beginning of February, all sorts of time and effort in and out of school have been put into the design. They were able to use paint, plaster of paris, and sturdy cardboard.

Having seen the rack myself, I was in complete awe at the craftsmanship that was displayed in the final outcome.

If you would like to see it as well, the rack will be on display at the Galleria on Friday, March 6 through Thursday, March 12. There, you can vote for our school’s design and support the talent of our BPHS art students!  First Place is $300 and Second Place is $150.